
Bangor Township board meeting Dec. 8th, 2009 follow-up.

Approximately 25 people attended, which is a substantial showing for a board meeting. Others sent written and verbal support because they could not attend on that date, and because they felt they could not attend due to fear of retaliation.

One agenda item of this meeting was to bill people directly for emergency services in Bangor Township. Tax payers already indirectly pay for emergency services through their property taxes. Here are two quotes from the board, regarding direct payment for emergency services, to emphasize why tax payers should be concerned.

1. "We need money."

2. "This ordinance can be changed at any time."

This issue was almost tabled because not all of the board members were clear about charges for medical care. The media was also mis-led by a township spokesperson. The BC Times and WNEM both minimized the issue stating that this was an ordinance that's been in effect for eleven years. The ordinance they're referring to is being REPLACED by a new ordinance. This new ordinance (law) allows Bangor Township to recover costs for police and fire and emergency medical services.

Tax payers, and others concerned about your community, get involved! We are trying to gather representatives from the 14 townships and five cities that comprise Bay County. There's a whole lot of redundancy and a lack of transparency of how your money is being spent.

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