
28 C's

We do it every single year, usually with high hopes, then what happens to those New Years resolutions?

Change can be difficult or an exciting challenge. Usually, we hear about how hard it is, that people are resistant to change.

But consider babies. They go through changes rapidly and repeatedly. Have you ever seen a toddler learn to walk? They stand up, fall down. Stand up, fall down. Stand up, take a step, fall down. They keep falling down a whole bunch of times. And they keep standing up again a whole bunch of times and eventually learn to walk. You could call it practice.

Consider the older generation. How often do you hear that so and so is 'set in their ways'? Babies change quickly, older folks change slowly, if at all. What happens in between our toddler and golden years? And how are your New Years resolutions coming along?

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me (offered from a treatment group member).

P.S. 28 C's were going to be retired at the end of 2009 but due to popular demand this is a change that I am not going to make. Thank you for your support.

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